Recent investigations in sustainable
construction have been focused on the exploration of agricultural by-products
as possible constituent materials in cement-based composites. Cassava peel
(peel from cassava tubers) is an agricultural by-product obtained during the
production of garri and other cassava-based diets. Cassava peels often
constitute nuisance since significant quantities of the peels are discarded as
waste. This study investigated the workability and strength behaviour of
concrete containing cassava peel ash (CPA). CPA was used as a pozzolan in
concrete at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% replacements of Portland-limestone cement
by weight. The slump of fresh concrete was determined. The compressive strength
and splitting tensile strength values of the specimens obtained at various
curing periods, ranging from 7 to 90 days, were compared with those of control
concrete specimens. The results showed that the 90-day compressive strength
values of concrete containing CPA at up to 15% replacement level are greater
than the control strength. Therefore, blended CPA-cement concrete has the
potential of being utilised in concrete construction applications where early
strength is a minor requirement.