About UJET
The Umudike Journal of Engineering and Technology, UJET publishes high quality articles focusing on all aspects
of Engineering and applied Sciences. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and if found suitable, published,
according to subject matter, as research paper, review paper or technical note. Submission of manuscript is on
the condition that it is an original work of the author(s) and it has neither been published nor under consideration
for publication elsewhere.
e-ISSN: 2545-5257 | p-ISSN: 2536-7404
Aims and Scope of UJET
The objective of the Umudike Journal of Engineering and Technology is to provide a platform to promote exchange
of ideas among sciences, engineering, technology and allied communities around the world. The journal attempts
to disseminate information on all aspects of engineering, technology and the environment developed through
research and practical experiences.
The journal is published semi-annually, in June and December each year (two issues in each volume).
Contributions in the form of research paper, review, or discussions will be considered for publication.
To cover a wide range of sciences, engineering, technology, industrial and environmental
applications/disciplines, the journal includes but not limited to the following areas:
- Agricultural and Bio-resources Engineering and Food Engineering
- Architectural, Building and Structural Engineering
- Chemical Engineering and Chemical Sciences
- Computer and Electronic Engineering
- Electrical and Machines Engineering
- Engineering Management and Contracting
- Geo-environmental, Geological, Geophysics and Geospatial Engineering
- Highway, Transportation and Tunnel Engineering
- Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
- Optimization, Advanced Mathematical and Computational Technology and Engineering
- Renewable Energy and Green Engineering
- Water Resources, Ocean and Environmental Engineering
- Food Engineering
- Physical Sciences
- Biomedical, biosciences and biotechnology