Charles, N. A.
Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Nigeria
Agwu, O. E.
Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Nigeria.
This paper proposes V-band non-Foster matched Class-J GaAs pHEMT (gallium arsenide pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor) power amplifier (PA). In this work, the effect of non-Foster circuit on the performance of V-band Class-J power amplifier suitable for submillimeter wave applications is examined. The parameters investigated include drain efficiency, power added efficiency, output power, transducer power gain and noise figure. The GaAs pHEMT transistor was biased with drain supply voltage of 3 V at quiescent drainto-source current of 3 mA while the non-Foster circuit transistors are biased with 2 V at 2 mA. The power amplifier operates from 65 to 69 GHz. The simulation results of Class-J GaAs pHEMT PAs with and without non-Foster circuit from 65 to 69 GHz were obtained and compared. The simulation results indicate that the PA with NFC has 40.5% drain efficiency, 32.5% PAE, 19 dBm output power, 7dBm transducer power gain and lower minimum noise figure of 4.6 dB whereas the PA without non-Foster circuit has 26.7% drain efficiency, 14.5% PAE, 11.6 dBm output power, -0.4 dB power gain and minimum noise figure of 4.9 dB.
Keywords: MMIC, V-band, non-Foster circuit, GaAs pHEMT, power amplifier
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Date Published
Friday, September 20, 2019
Conference Date
2nd - 4th September, 2019
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