Matthew, O. J.
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, P.M.B 7276, Umudike, Nigeria
Nwaji, I. K.
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, P.M.B 7276, Umudike, Nigeria
Performance assessment of a solar organic Rankine system (SORS)
for electricity generation was carried out to determine the suitability of the
system based on local solar radiation conditions available in MOUAU.
Refrigerants R113, R141b, R123, R11, and R142b were used for the modelling to
present a wide range of options with regards to system efficiency and cost of
operation. To determine the nature of local weather conditions, solar radiation
data was used to ascertain monthly energy averages for the simulation. System
performance evaluation was simulated with Engineering Equation Solver (EES) to
predict the power output from the system with the stated operating parameters.
The results obtained shows power output in the system to range between 7 Kw to
18 kW for an average ambient temperature of 28oC at a refrigerant
mass flow rate of 1.5 kg/s. Additionally, a techno economic evaluation of the
system using the bare module cost for a heat input range of 20 kW ≤Q ≤ 45 kW, reflected a cost range of $52211≤C_T≤$93751, $50861≤C_T≤$88166,
$53468≤C_T≤$96441, $55567≤C_T≤$92752, and $54907≤C_T≤$86425,
for R113, R141b, R11, R123, and R142b respectively. The Net power output index
(NPI) values for the considered refrigerants increased with increase in heat
input which results from increased turbine output. Finally, the NPI values
which averaged 0.5402W/$, 0.5153 W/$, 0.5577 W/$, 0.5494 W/$, and 0.5259 W/$, for
R113, R141b, R11, R123, and R142b respectively, suggests the implementation of
a SORS as practical, attractive and feasible for the MOUAU campus.
Keywords: solar organic rankine system, solar radiation, electricity generation, refrigerants, net power output index
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Conference Code
Conference Title
Date Published
Friday, September 20, 2019
Conference Date
2nd - 4th September, 2019
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