Erosion control is a vital task
which requires urgent remedy. The study examines the mechanics of soil erosion
in Eluama, Isuikwuato, Nigeria. Laboratory soil analysis was carried out to
determine the soil structure and it was clearly expressed that the upstream of
the site was less erodible than the downstream. A trapezoidal channel of bottom
width 1.2 m and depth 0.4 m was designed to discharge the estimated runoff of
3.0 m3/s. The slope of the area was found to be 0.064 with runoff
coefficient of 0.55. Stepped cascades of 200 m interval were designed to reduce
the velocity of flow and this effectively controlled the erosion. Drop
structure of height 2 m, critical depth 0.86 m, length of drop 3.68 m and
normal width of the channel 1.2 m was designed for effective runoff. Also,
stilling basin of length 2.95m and height of the end-sill 0.106 m was
incorporated in the drop structure.