Ugwu, E. C.
Dept. of Agricultural and Bio-resources Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike
Ahaneku, I. E.
Dept. of Agricultural and Bio-resources Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike
Sustainable waste disposal method requires the integration of economic,
social, technical and environmental principles in order to meet the challenges
of urbanization, industrialization, technological advancement and population
increase. This study analysed the solid waste disposal in Nigeria with the aim
of findinga method with minimum cost of disposing such waste. The study
utilized published and unpublished data as major sources of information while
contact with the waste management officials were sought to provide up-to-date
information and confirmation on the existing data. Best Available Technology
Not Entailing Excessive Cost BATNEC criteria were used to analyse eight
scenarios which include: Open dumps, Landfill without
gas recovery, Landfill with gas recovery and utilization for electricity,
uncontrolled Incineration, controlled incineration, Recycling, Composting, and
Mechanicaland Biological Treatment (MBT). Multi-criteria decision
analysis (MCDA) was then applied to determine the best alternative method of
disposing waste in Nigeria.The results of the analysis show that MBT is a
favourable option for the disposal of solid waste in Nigeria. This is because
waste generated in Nigeria are predominantly biodegradable in composition.
Keywords: Solid waste, BATNEEC, MBT, Biodegradable, Nigeria
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Monday, June 22, 2015
Vol. 1 No. 1, June 2015
Article Section
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