Ngwu, C. R.
Department of Computer Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, P.M. B. 7267, Abia State, Nigeria
Amah, N. L.
Department of Computer Science Federal College of Education P.M.B 39 Kontagora, Niger State, Nigeria
Ede, C. C.
Department of Computer Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, P.M. B. 7267, Abia State, Nigeria
research Digital forensic investigation into the remnants and traces left
behind on a user system by Bitcoin wallets at all junctures following
installation through transaction and deletion. It was aimed to recover any
evidence that would be present on a user’s system even after they were deleted
by the user. Tools such as VMware
Workstation Pro, OSForensics, MagnetRAM Capture, HxD have been used to
retrieve some bitcoin artefacts. Bitcoin wallets such as MultiBit HD, Armory,
mSIGNA, Bitpay, Bither, and Electrum were installed. The research focused on
bitcoin as a case study to investigate a security incident involving suspected
criminal activities using bitcoins, a cryptocurrency used in peer-to-peer
technology. It was undertaken to determine what data remnants and traces may
remain on a Windows 10 operating system. This forensic investigation-based
research revealed that evidence of data remnants subsequent to the installation
and deletion of bitcoin wallets by the user did exist.
Keywords: Digital Forensics, Bitcoin wallet, Cryptocurrency, Data remnants, peer to peer technology
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Tuesday, June 01, 2021
Vol. 7 No. 1, June 2021
Article Section
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