Igboro, S. B.
Department of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
Alfa, M. I.
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria
Wato, B. A.
Department of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
Dabup, N. E.
Department of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
Utilization of biofertilizer has been
identified as an alternative to chemical fertilizer in increasing soil
fertility and crop production for sustainable crop production. The evaluation
of the performance of biofertilizer obtained from the anaerobic digestion of
Zaria abattoir Cow dung relative to that of NPK fertilizer was carried out in
this study with respect to changes to soil properties and the growth of Zea
mays and Sorghum bicolor. The application of treatments included
control (no fertilizer), NPK fertilizer and biofertilizer. The results obtained
for both the soil analysis and crop growth rate and yield were subjected to a
two way Analysis of Variance at 95% confidence level. Except for the pH value,
the results showed that there was significance difference between the values of
Total Nitrogen, Available Phosphorus and Potassium before and after cultivation
for all the treatments (p=0.256>0.05 and p=0.00±0.504 and 32±2.83, 5.52±0.231 and 29.5±1.87, 1.53±0.543
respectively. The yield of guinea corn from the
biofertilizer treatment plot [31±2.83
stalks (3.616±0.5012 kg)] was also comparable to that of the NPK
treatment plot
[29.5±1.85 stalks (2.655±0.002 kg)] and was higher than that of the plot
without treatment [27.561±1.87 stalks (1.333±0.001 kg)].
The statistical analysis revealed that the effect of treatment was significant
in the growth and yield of both Maize and Guinea corn. The study concluded that
biofertilizer from cow dung can be a viable alternative to NPK fertilizer for
the production of Zea mays and Sorghum bicolor.
Keywords: Biofertlizer, Plant growth, Sorghum bicolour, Soil properties, Zea mays
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Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Vol. 2 No. 2, DEC 2016
Article Section
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