Umudike Journal of Engineering and Technology

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike


Anyene, C. C.
Department of Agricultural and Bio-environmental Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Nigeria.

Onwuka, U. N.
Department of Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.

Nwajinka, C. O.
Department of Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.

Nsofor, P. S.
Department of Agricultural and Bio-environmental Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Nigeria.


The study was on the design and construction of a cold press hydraulic particle-board compaction machine. The developed machine comprises of the frame, fixed platen, movable platen, premix mat platter, and the prime mover (1.0-tonne hydraulic cylinder). The framework of the machine presented a respective permissible force, working stress, bending stress, operational deformation, and platen thickness of 10,362.303N, 103.005 N/mm2, 2,302.7Nmm2, 0.3605mm, and 15mm.The machine was evaluated by using it to compact admixtures of rice husk and sawdust from 51mm mat thickness to 25mm. Finished particleboards of relative dimensions of 1000mm500mm 25mm were produced from the differently constituted base and adhesive materials. The compaction result showed that the machine was effective in the consolidation of the admixture mat into boards of consistent dimensions and optimized base-material and binder blend. The results show that the different categories of particleboards maintained evident variations in their physical characteristics. After drying the produced boards, it was observed that the “S+RP board” reduced most with a final length of 0.970m and the “S+RS board” reduced least with a final length of 0.990m. The “RP board” reduced most in width to 0.485m while “SS board” reduced least to 0.492m. The “S+RP board” reduced most in thickness to 0.015m and the “SS board” reduced least to 0.025m. The “S+RP board” has the least volume of 0.071m3 and the “SS board” has the highest volume of 0.21m3.  “The S+RP board” has the least weight of 1.400Kg while the “RS board” has the highest weight of 3.100Kg. The “RS board” is the highest dense board by 28.181 Kg/m3and the “SP board” is the least dense board by 12.000Kg/m3. The “Saw dust plus Rice husk (S+R) category of board presented a more strong and stable characteristics which could be attributed to the blend of the properties of two different base materials. Moreover, the study ventured into bridging the gap of little or no indigenously produced technologies used in waste handling and processing, especially as it concerns rural and urban generated agricultural and lignocellulose materials conversion to useful engineering structural products like panel boards. It is imperative to recommend that automation and hot surface finishing principles should be adapted to the machine to ensure the production of structurally standardized particleboards.

Keywords: Particleboard, compaction machine, hydraulic compaction, premixed material, lignocellulose
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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Vol. 8 No. 2, December 2022

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