Allen, M. A.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Nigeria
The dissolution of galena in hydrochloric acid
solution have been effectively studied over the ranges of temperature, particle
size, concentration, solid/liquid and stirring speed. All reactions in water
bath were thermostatically controlled between temperature 40 to . The leaching rate was observed to increase with
increase in temperature, concentration, solid/liquid ratio, stirring speed but
decreases with an increase in particle size. The reaction kinetics showed the
mixed kinetic model was the controlling step and the activation energy was
determined to be 32.55 KJ/mol. The reaction order and Arrhenius constant were
calculated to be 0.178 and e, respectively.
Keywords: Dissolution, leaching, mixed kinetic, reaction controlling step
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Thursday, December 27, 2018
Vol. 4 No. 2, DEC 2018
Article Section
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